Enjoy watching this video of Day 6
of 3D Printed Fashion Challenge.

Enjoy watching the sixth video 3D Printed Fashion Challenge.

Download Teaching Materials

Carefully crafted materials to help you take your learning and your classes to the next level.

Teaching Materials

200 minutes (4x50 minutes) of ready-to-use lessons plans, workbook, a worksheet, an answer sheet and glossary.

200 minutes (4x50 min) of ready-to-use lessons plans, workbook, a worksheet, an answer sheet and glossary.

200 minutes (4x50 minutes) of ready-to-use lessons plans, workbook, worksheet, answer sheet and glossary.

200 minutes (4x50 minutes)
of ready-to-use lessons plans, workbook, a worksheet, an answer sheet and glossary.

6 Increadible Filaments

Explore these wonderful filaments and inspiration for 3D Printed Fashion Social Impact Challenges.

Explore these wonderful filaments
and inspiration for 3D Printed Fashion Social Impact Challenges.

6 Sustainable Filaments

Download for free & get ready to take your 3D printing adventures to a whole

new level!

Download for free & get ready to take your 3D printing adventures to

a whole new level!